How to Fix Blue Screen of Death Error in Windows 11?

Windows 11 is the latest computer operating system. Many users now install the leaked version. However, some users have reported that they have encountered a blue screen prompting restart more or less when using Windows 11. How to solve this problem? Let’s take a look at the specific method below.

When the operating system encounters a system service exception error, a blue screen error message will appear. Windows 11 blue screen errors can cause you to lose a lot of unsaved data. Fortunately, there are some fixes you can use to fix blue screen errors. Most system problems that cause blue screen errors are related to BSOD. It can cause your system to crash and eventually shut down.

What causes blue screen of death error in Windows 11?

A blue screen of death error may occur when a faulty device driver or software is installed or updated on your system. Usually the filename that caused the error will appear in parentheses after the stop code. This can help you locate faults quickly. Causes of blue screen errors also include corrupted Windows 11 system files, bugs in updates or malware, and network attacks.

7 Ways to Fix Blue Screen of Death Error in Windows 11

1 Remove incompatible software

Follow the prompts to restart the system, if not, restart continuously.

  • Then it will enter the system recovery interface. Click Troubleshoot>Advanced Options>Startup Settings.
  • Select safe mode to enter, usually press the keyboard “F4”
  • After entering safe mode, delete all the software, updates, etc. downloaded when the computer was last used.

2 Delete corrupt system files

  • Enter safe mode.
  • Then right-click the Start menu and select Command Prompt.
  • Enter sfc/scannow in it and press Enter to confirm.
  • The system will automatically detect and repair related files, just wait for the repair.

This method will scan system files and fix Windows 11 blue screen error. Missing or corrupt files in your system can cause most of the errors and problems that affect Windows systems, including blue screen error. Therefore, you need to run an SFC scan to repair corrupt and missing system files.

3. Disable Google Update Service

  • Press the Windows+R shortcut to open the Run dialog.
  • In the run box, type msconfig and press Enter:
  • Click Services. Then uncheck Google Update Service, click Apply, and then click OK.
  • Reboot the system and check for errors, it should be fixed.

4. Update your system drivers

  • Open the Settings app and click Windows Update. Then select Check for Updates.
  • Now, enter Device Manager in the start menu search bar and select the option that pops up.
  • Scroll down the list and check for error symbols.
  • If there is nothing, then the blue screen error is not caused by the driver.
  • If there is a yellow alert symbol, open the section by clicking the drop-down arrow and then right-click the problem driver and select Update driver.
  • Select Automatically check for updated driver software to let Windows auto update the driver for you.

Select Update GPU driver.

Fix windows 11 blue screen – yellow alert

Then, restart your device and check if the Windows 11 blue screen error is fixed. With Windows Update, you can make sure your system drivers are updated. If your graphics card driver is out of date, then you need to update the GPU driver.


  • Type command prompt in the start menu search bar, then right-click in the search inoculation and select Run as administrator.
  • Then, enter the code: chkdsk /r and press Enter. The system is then automatically scanned for errors and fixed:
  • Restart your PC to check if the windows 11 blue screen error is fixed.

Checking Windows disk via command prompt is able to verify the file system and fix file problems at the same time. This tool helps resolve many Windows errors such as DPC WATCHDOG stop codes, blue screen of death and so on.

6. Running the SFC

  • Type command prompt in the start menu search bar, then right-click and select Run as administrator to open an elevated command prompt.
  • Type and execute the command: DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
  • Once the process is complete, enter the following command and press Enter: sfc /scannow
Fix windows 11 blue screen – Run SFC

Then, restart your device and check if this method can resolve the Windows 11 blue screen of death error.

7. Reset Windows 11

Go to settings, click Recovery, then select Reset this PC. Before the system restarts, make sure to back up any important files. Your system will reboot and you can choose to keep files or delete everything.


Now, if you are encountering blue screen of death error in Windows 11, you can try the ways above. these solutions can help you quickly and effectively solve blue screen error and make your system run smoothly again!


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